Automated Test Generation of MC/DC (part 2)
In the previous post (part 1) we have introduced the concept of MC/DC which finds application in the verification of avionics and automotive applications. In this post we show how to generate MC/DC tests starting from a Simulink or a Lustre specification, using Intrepyd.
- QA for avionics critical software (DO-178C)
- The MC/DC coverage metric
- Masking and Unique-cause MC/DC
ATG, MC/DC, DO-178C, simulink, lustre, model-checking
Installing Intrepyd
As of version 0.5.13
, Intrepyd releases are pushed onto the [PYPI archive][intrepydpypi], and it can be installed by simply issuing the following command
pip install intrepyd
pip install intrepyd --upgrade
if you want to be working with the latest release. The version of Intrepyd used in this post is 0.6.4
Examples used in this post
All the examples and scripts used in this post are available from a public github repository.
MC/DC test generation for Simulink
Single decision
Consider the following Simulink circuit
The circuit (example1.slx
) is a simple combinational network with three inputs (A, B, C) and one output (O1).
We assume that the circuit represents the decision for which we need to generate tests. In
order to generate tests with Intrepyd we need to write the following Python script (
import utils
import intrepyd
import as it
import intrepyd.atg.mcdc as mcdc
def doMain():
# Creates the Intrepyd context
ctx = intrepyd.Context()
# Translates the circuit into an equivalent one for Intrepyd
circ = it.translate_simulink('example1.slx', 'float')
# The following maps a decision with the nets corresponding to its conditions
decisions = { 'example1/O1' : ['A', 'B', 'C'] }
# dec2tables and dec2indpairs contain raw information about MC/DC tests
dec2tables, dec2indpairs, _ = mcdc.compute_mcdc(ctx, circ.SimulinkCircuit, decisions, 0)
# Translates dec2tables into a pandas dataframe
dec2df = mcdc.get_tables_as_dataframe(dec2tables)
# Prints data on screen
print dec2df['example1/O1']
if __name__ == "__main__":
The script can be executed from a shell, and it produces an expected output as follows
$ python
A B C example1/O1
0 T T F T
1 F T F F
2 T F F F
3 F F T T
4 F F F F
A: 0, 1
C: 3, 4
B: 0, 2
The output is composed of two parts: the truth table showing the tests (one per each line), and the independence pairs for each condition. It is easy to verify that the tests are correct, i.e., that each independence pair respects the clauses for MC/DC (as explained here). The generation in this case is not optimal as four tests are enough for this decision (we have generated five instead): this is a consequence of the approximations behind the optimization algorithm, whose goal is to find a compromise between optimality and execution-time.
Multiple decisions at once
The following circuit (example2.slx
) encodes three decisions at once that share the same conditions. Each
decision has been highlighted with a rectangle:
For this circuit we shall use a slightly more complex script, in order to capture the three decisions at once:
import utils
import intrepyd
import as it
import intrepyd.atg.mcdc as mcdc
def doMain():
ctx = intrepyd.Context()
circ = it.translate_simulink('example2.slx', 'float')
decisions = {
'example2/O1' : ['A', 'B', 'C'],
'example2/O2' : ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
'example2/O3' : ['C', 'D']
dec2tables, dec2indpairs, _ = mcdc.compute_mcdc(ctx, circ.SimulinkCircuit, decisions, 0)
dec2df = mcdc.get_tables_as_dataframe(dec2tables)
for decision, df in dec2df.iteritems():
print 'MC/DC table for', decision
print df
print 'Independence pairs for', decision
if __name__ == "__main__":
Intrepyd will compute a heuristically minimal amount of tests that provides MC/DC coverage for the three decisions. With the above script they are presented as follows:
$ python
MC/DC table for example2/O1
A B C example2/O1
0 F F T T
1 F F F F
2 T T F T
3 F T F F
4 T F F F
Independence pairs for example2/O1
A: 2, 3
C: 0, 1
B: 2, 4
MC/DC table for example2/O3
C D example2/O3
0 T F F
1 T T T
2 F T F
Independence pairs for example2/O3
C: 2, 1
D: 0, 1
MC/DC table for example2/O2
A B C D example2/O2
0 F F T F F
1 T F T F T
2 F T T F T
3 F T F F F
4 T F F T T
Independence pairs for example2/O2
A: 0, 1
C: 3, 1
B: 0, 2
D: 3, 4
MC/DC test generation for Lustre
Generation can be performed on Lustre circuits as well. Consider the following specification (example3.lus
node top(a, b, c : bool) returns (d : bool);
d = a and (b or c);
The following script can be used to generate MC/DC tests:
import utils
import intrepyd
import as it
import intrepyd.atg.mcdc as mcdc
def doMain():
ctx = intrepyd.Context()
circ = it.translate_lustre('example3.lus', 'top', 'float32')
decisions = { 'd' : ['a', 'b', 'c'] }
dec2tables, dec2indpairs, _ = mcdc.compute_mcdc(ctx, circ.LustreCircuit, decisions, 0)
dec2df = mcdc.get_tables_as_dataframe(dec2tables)
print dec2df['d']
if __name__ == "__main__":
which can be executed as follows:
$ python
a b c d
0 F T F F
1 T T F T
2 T F F F
3 T F T T
a: 0, 1
c: 2, 3
b: 2, 1
Extension to arithmetic
The following example contains single precision floating-point inputs that are fed to relational operators:
The conditions here are the two relational operators, and the Boolean input C
. Tests can be
computed with the following script:
import utils
import intrepyd
import as it
import intrepyd.atg.mcdc as mcdc
def doMain():
ctx = intrepyd.Context()
circ = it.translate_simulink('example4.slx', 'float')
decisions = { 'example4/O1' : ['example4/leq1', 'example4/leq2', 'C'] }
dec2tables, dec2indpairs, _ = mcdc.compute_mcdc(ctx, circ.SimulinkCircuit, decisions, 0)
dec2df = mcdc.get_tables_as_dataframe(dec2tables)
print dec2df['example4/O1']
if __name__ == "__main__":
When executed it produces the following output:
$ python
example4/leq1 example4/leq2 C example4/O1
0 F F T F
1 F T T T
2 F F F F
3 T F F T
4 F T F F
C: 2, 3
example4/leq2: 4, 1
example4/leq1: 0, 1
Values for primary inputs are not shown in the table, however, they are computed internally and available to be exported if necessary.
Algorithmic and Implementation details
(Here we briefly sketch some algorithmic details, without the intention of being exhaustive. If
you are interested to learn more please feel free to drop me an email at
Test generation is achieved by planting suitable trap properties (targets in Intrepyd’s terminology) inside the circuit, in such a way that each counter-example (trace in Intrepyd’s terminology) to such properties can transformed into a test representing a row of the tables we have shown in the above examples. The core algorithm implementation is an incremental extension using Z3 of a previous work on test generation for Simulink.
Solving is performed by feeding all the targets to Intrepyd’s optimizing Bounded Model Checker, which ultimately relies on the optimization extension of Z3. The process is iterative: at each iteration the model checker returns with a trace, satisfying a heuristically high number of targets. The targets are then removed from the list of targets to be solved, and the model checker is called again. In the end, a heuristically minimal number of traces are produced, and the corresponding tests are generated.
Generation is efficient thanks to three noteworthy features of Intrepyd: the fact that it can solve multiple targets at once, the ability of working incrementally (solve, drop satisfied targets, solve againg, etc.), and the ability of performing optimizing solving.
Possible Extensions
The current ATG toolchain is a proof-of-concept for demonstrating the potential of Intrepyd for test generation. The toolchain may be extended with relatively little effort to:
- work on decisions containing strongly coupled conditions;
- compute coverage of an existing test suite;
- recycle and extend an existing test suite by computing only the missing test cases;
- presentation of tests with values propagated to primary inputs.
If you are interested in any of the above features feel free to drop me an email at
We have shown how automatic test generation of MC/DC could be performed using Intrepyd. The proof-of-concept that we have put in place can be used on Simulink and Lustre specifications to achieve a heuristically minimal generation of tests cases. We have chosen a simple presentation for test results, however extensions and modifications are easy to achieve thanks to the python-based framework of Intrepyd.